From my heart to yours

“Her name is Lily”, my sister said when she called me to inform me of the arrival of her second grandchild. What an apt name for someone to be born at this hour, as we are going through these tumultuous times, I thought. We surely need more ‘Lilies’ to spread their fragrance and brighten up our lives.

In Christianity, the lily is linked with the Virgin Mary as a symbol of her purity and chastity, while the Easter lily is a symbol of Christ’s resurrection. The beautiful lotus flower is one of Buddhism’s and Hinduism’s most recognized symbols of enlightenment. The Tiger lily, in Buddhism, represents mercy and compassion. Lilies are colourful, unique, and fragrant; they come in all shapes and sizes and are one of the most popular flowers in the world. Lilies come in almost all colours, except for blue. These beautiful blooms are full of wonders and come in over 90 different species. Lilies embody purity, fertility, beauty, royalty, sophistication, grace, and rebirth.

Humanity is currently going through a huge rebirth. Our lives will never be the same again. We are in the birth canal, metaphorically speaking, and there is no turning back. The only way now is forward. Like any birthing process, this one too is rather painful and messy, and we may at times feel like giving up but that, of course, is not an option. We just need to keep bravely ‘pushing forward’. So what do lilies have to do with giving birth? Any woman giving birth will tell you that lilies are the last thing on her mind during that time. Point taken, but the ‘lilies’ are those who help us to get through the process. Their compassion and kindness are like lilies spreading their fragrance of love and care, as they go out of their way to help deliver that beautiful new baby.

What a difference it would make if we, for just a moment, could view what we are all going through as a birthing process. How wonderful it would be if we could be less harsh and judgemental, less self-centered and opinionated, and more tolerant and forgiving. Millions are going through this process in sheer agony. Their suffering is real, be it physically, emotionally, or spiritually. One can almost hear them screaming, as they push forward. Although everyone has to do their own pushing, we can in some way or another show some care and compassion for each other. We too can become lilies of forgiveness, care, and love. We too can show grace and encourage each other, as we go through this. Imagine that every kind word, every kind gesture, every act of kindness, every time we forgive someone, is like handing them a beautiful lily. Imagine eight billion people arriving on the other side of this, each holding a beautiful lily. We need not go through this on our own.


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